weekly picks
Lynn Polyak
Pink is my new obsession .
Assaf Benharroch
Best short you will see this month!
Dan David Prize
Dan David Prize
Welcome to the Dan David Animated Project, a series of 9 films tailored for the 2023 Dan David Historian Awards. Utilizing collage art and authentic archive materials, we present each historian winner and their field of expertise in a professional and captivating manner. Our animation series delivers an authentic and engaging exploration of their achievements, redefining how we experience and appreciate history.

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Next Work
Guy Pariente
Creative Director and Animator
Assaf Benharroch
Art director
Lynn Polyak
Studio management and Production
Alex Khlebnikov
Creative Director and Animator
Ophir Gal
Sound Design
Capusin Gougelet
The sad king
private investigator 
Shaool Levy
Direction and animation 
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